Implemented Features
- Swing GUI
- XML configfiles and XML accountstores
- sending mails via SMTP and ESMTP
- receiving mails via POP3 and IMAP; in both cases the mails are downloaded and stored locally
- storing mails on the local filesystem using an implementation of the JavaMail(TM) store
- mailaccounts for multiple mail address' and identities
- SSL encryption for the connection to the servers, X509Certificates from the servers are stored locally
- a randomizer, that gets its seed bytes via the internet from a CORBA server (http://www.random.org), this is quicker than using the SUN SeedGenerator
- an XML addressbook
- mail filters
- HTML messageviewer
- threaded message list
Planned Features
- SMTP after POP
- interfaces for more pgp clients
- PGP encryption/ decryption and signing/ verifying using Gnu Privacy Guard
- vCard and vCalendar implemetations
- possibility of showing attachments
If you have any ideas for any other feature, or wish to tell me anything else please send me a mail : mschwerin at users.sourceforge.net
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